Meet sugaringLA | Beachly Beauty Behind the Brand

Sugaring LA Beachly Beauty Giveaway Skincare

Hey there, beach lover! Spring has officially sprung over here at Beachly HQ which means it's time to introduce you to all the new, exciting brands that we're working with! I am extra excited to tell you all about this week's brand and giveaway, they are a neighbor to our Beachly offices. Who's excited!?

This week, we are taking a look at sugaringLA! A Los Angeles based skincare company that is driven to inspire every body, mind, and spirit. They are also female-founded! The perfect brand to kick off Spring giveaways during International Women's Month. 

Psst! We have a giveaway live right now with sugaringLA valued at $270+! Check out the Beachly Beauty Instagram page for entry details and all the goodies you can win in this extra-special giveaway. 

Behind the Brand with sugaringLA

If you didn't already know, this month is International Women's Month! We love highlighting all the driven, self-starting women that we work with in our Beachly boxes and sugaringLA is no exception. 

Founded by Danielle due to her love with the craft and vision behind the potential of hair removal, sugaringLA has become a pioneer in its field. Danielle has always lived by her life objectives of Work Hard. Be Authentic. Be Kind. This mindset is what she relied on as she drove sugaringLA off the ground with honest passion.  Danielle of Sugaring LA, sugar waxing, lemon sugar wax

In her early sugaring days, she pushed the limits of the craft while traveling and studying the systems of human biology and ecology. Through it all, she’s become a subject matter expert on not only sugaring, but on holistic living and health and wellness overall.

Sugaring Benefits vs Waxing

What's sugaring? 

Great question! Sugaring is a superior method of removing body hair, with a literal ball of sugar paste. While similar to waxing, sugaring is also greatly different. Forget about the fear of HOT wax touching your body, sugaring is applied at room temperature and worked into the hair follicle for an even smoother feeling. 

The sugaringLA Spring Feature

Sunshine Skin Toner | $24 retail value

Details - Welcome back bright, golden skin this Spring with your new go-to toner! This all-organic rose petal-infused toner is anti-inflammatory and packed with a gentle exfoliating solution perfect for removing dead skin cells. It’s also perfectly formulated for oily, problematic skin and even helps with ingrown hairs!

How to use: Spritz toner onto clean, dry skin before moisturizing to soak in all the benefits. Sugaring LA Spring feature

Loving this Spring Box feature? Be sure to check out sugaringLA's site to get the Sunshine Skin Toner plus extra goodies by the brand at an extra special price. Use code BEACHLY20 to get 20% off sugaringLA goodies!

Want even more beach vibes in your life? You can get your hands on the Beachly Welcome box right now and get $30 off when you use code SUGARINGLA at checkout!

The sugaringLA x Beachly Beauty Spring Giveaway 

Are you ready for our first Spring box giveaway? This is the ultimate giveaway for anyone looking to get a glowy-look as we enter into the warmer days of Spring. We're giving away a Spring Beachly Beauty box paired with sugaringLA's ultimate smooth-skin assortment and a $100 gift card to shop sugaringLA. The total prize pack is valued at $270+!

Giveaway bundle sugaringLA x Beachly Beauty

Click here to enter the sugaringLA x Beachly Beauty Giveaway! 

If you can't wait to see if you win and want to be a part of the Beachly Tribe, you can discover more brands you love in the Beachly Welcome box! We're offering an exclusive $30 off your first box when you use code SUGARINGLA at checkout!

Phew! I'm sure you cannot wait to get your hands on your own Sunshine Skin Toner and check out all the other goodies that sugaringLA has to offer. They've got all your smooth-skin needs as we enter into warmer days. Be sure to shop their site and use code BEACHLY20 to get 20% OFF your entire purchase!

Be sure to check out the sugaringLA x Beachly Beauty giveaway valued at $270+! 
