Candle Burning Tips | Beachly

Candle Burning Tips | Beachly

Tips for Better Candle Burning
We all know how to light a candle, but did you know there are some helpful tips that can actually improve your candle experience? We recently learned some tricks for candle use we can’t help but share. Given the fact that we are all cozying up at home with the Coconut Lime Candle from the Winter Beachly Box, what better time than now to put these candle tips to good use!



 Always Trim the Wick - Each time you go to light your candle, make sure you trim the wick between 1/8” and 1/4” long. Why? Trimmed wicks give a cleaner, brighter burn and help prevent those black smokey stains that end up on your glass jar.

Let the Wax Fully Melt Across the Top Layer - Think again if you plan to light your candle for quick burst; you want the top layer of wax to fully melt across before blowing out your flame. Why? If you don’t let the candle burn long enough, the wick will burn down just the center causing a tunneling effect with wax being stuck along the sides of the jar. Not only is this less attractive, you’re actually going to miss out on that precious wax, reducing the amount of burn time you’ll get from your candle overall.

Buy Multi-Wick Candles - To help with melting the full top layer of wax (see above tip) look for candles with multiple wicks. Be wary of candles that are more than 3 inches in diameter with 1 wick, as they will not be able to produce enough heat to fully melt the top layer.

Keep Your Candle Away from Drafty Air - Whether it’s an open window, highly trafficked area or indoor fan, keep your candle away from it. The air movement causes the flame to move around and create those smoky black marks.

